- Shirley A Genovese
Growing Faith Series 7: Fruit or Flowers
“I wish I could be like that person?” I said in frustration one day. “In what way?” He asked.
On that day my response was, “In patience, Lord. I’d like to wait in line without impatience and enjoy that time talking to others. Instead, I fuss about waiting.” On another day, it would be something else I wish I were.
“I can help with that,” He said cheerfully.
Then I tried to be more patient. I put a smile on my face. I greeted the person behind me but they were as impatient as I. This new me I presented did not last long. I found myself once again in prayer asking to be patient.
“I think you may be looking for the flower instead of the fruit.” He said patiently.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Flowers are colorful, lovely, often fragrant and attract attention. Flowers are the most visible part of a plant. You may be looking at and desiring only the outward expression of inner beauty.” Pointing to a flower, He asked. “Do you see the fruit?”
“No, Lord, I see a magnificent rose!”
“The potential for fruit is there. The flowers come first. The beauty of the flower draws bees to cross pollinate. When the rose withers and falls off, the fruit is right below it. The rose hip is the fruit of the rose. If you look only at the rose, you will not notice the rose hip underneath.” The conversation continued. “Lord, you say You can help. What do you mean by that?”
“I mean that the kind of fruit you want has to be cultivated during time with me, where no one else can see or hear us. It grows when you come away from the distractions of life and learn of Me in quiet places. When you bring your flowers to Me, I will deposit more of Myself in you, as bees deposit pollen. I know the fruit you were created to bear and I know what is needed to produce it.”
Silent, I let this sink in deep. The next day I said, “Lord, I bring you roses today.”
“They are lovely, Child, just like you. It is a good start. Would you bring Me flowers every day? Growing fruit takes much time with Me and I love our times together.”
“Yes, Lord. I will bring you flowers every day.”
Consider This: “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”[1] Let’s enjoy the flowers and grow in faith so our fruit is apparent to all. The Lord is near.[2]